
Our monomaterial Pouch 5 is now available for retort application

Scritto da Guala Pack | luglio 14, 2021

Take another step towards sustainability, thanks to Gualapack’s innovation.

As our hot-fill Pouch 5 gains growing success on the market and becomes the preferred option for more and more international brands, our R&D team continues to push innovation forward towards ambitious goals of sustainability.

Today, this commitment has led us to develop a new Pouch 5 that is suitable for retort application, which require specific laminates able to endure sterilisation at much higher temperatures.

What’s more, our experience has allowed us to create a monomaterial product that is easy to recycle. This means that you, and your customers, can use Gualapack’s new retort Pouch 5 knowing you are doing your part to foster the circular economy, with us.

Now, you can rely on Gualapack’s expertise and environmental vision also for retort pouches! Please contact us to find out more about the new, recyclable, retort Pouch 5.


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