
Gualapack sustainability report 2023

Written by Guala Pack | July 16, 2024

We are proud to present our sixth Sustainability Report, a comprehensive overview of our ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices.


Key Achievements in Sustainability

Our 2023 Sustainability Report delves into various critical issues, but here are some standout figures highlighting our accomplishments:

  • Sustainable Products Sales: Approximately 20% of our sales now come from sustainable products, marking a 47% increase from 2022. This growth is largely due to the success of our Pouch5® recyclable pouches and LamiNEXT, underscoring our commitment to a circular product portfolio.
  • Workforce Development: We invested around 76,500 hours in workforce training, focusing on skill development and emphasizing our dedication to environmental, health, and safety issues.
  • Community Support: We donated approximately €1 million to charitable initiatives worldwide, supporting communities and regions where we operate.
  • Carbon Footprint Reduction:  We pledged to develop a climate change strategy based on Science Based Targets initiative standards, aiming to reduce our carbon footprint in line with the Paris Agreement's goals. 

Reflecting on 2023

As we reflect on 2023, it's impossible to ignore the dramatic geopolitical and humanitarian crises that have deeply impacted the territories and people involved, as well as our core values. Despite these challenges, Gualapack has navigated these uncertain waters and achieved significant milestones in sustainability.

Navigating Economic Challenges

The past year saw a reduction in the inflation of raw materials and energy costs compared to 2022. However, certain product categories experienced substantial price increases, which affected consumer purchasing power and presented new challenges that we continue to monitor. In this context, our group's resilience and strategic foundations allowed us to achieve remarkable sustainability performance.

Regulatory Developments

The packaging sector in 2023 saw ongoing regulatory advancements at both national and international levels. Significant progress was made on a United Nations-promoted international treaty, and European institutions finalized the new Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR). Expected to be approved by the end of 2024, this regulation aims to establish stringent sector-wide rules across all EU countries.

While we welcome many of the changes introduced, we acknowledge the challenges ahead in establishing clear and effective regulations. Adequate regulatory certainty is essential for the industry to plan investments and develop future packaging solutions that align with European climate policies and ensure consumer safety.

Click here to download our Sustainability Report 2023

Find out the main points from our latest Sustainability Report by watching this short video.


Michele Guala
President, Gualapack