Política de privacidad y cookies

Privacy Policy: Customers and Suppliers

Information provided pursuant to Art.13 of the EU Reg. 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”)

Guala Pack is committed to protect personal data and privacy as an invaluable asset though policies and procedures. Transparency towards our clients, suppliers and stakeholders on the lawful processing and accessibility to their personal data is our primary objective, pursued through effective communication systems.

General criteria Data subjects are informed (Art.4, c.1 del GDPR) on the followings:

  •  all treatments are carried out in compliance with current legislation on privacy (EU Reg. 2016/679) “GDPR” (Italian Leg. Decree 196/2003, as amended by Leg. Decree 101/2018, and the Romanian law n. 190/2018);
  • all personal data are processed lawfully, fairly and transparently in compliance with the general principles set fort in Art. 5 of the GDPR;
  •  specific security measures are implemented to prevent data loss, illicit or inappropriate use and unauthorized access, pursuant to Art. 32 of the GDPR.

Personal Data Processed

The term “Personal data” means any type of information, identified or identifiable, relating to a Data Subject.

Guala Pack processes personal identification data of customers/suppliers (e.g. name, surname, company name, personal/tax data, address, telephone, e-mail, bank and payment references, etc.), and their operational contacts (name, surname, contact details, nationality, date of birth, civil status, economic and financial information, details of ID documents) acquired and used in the provision of the products/services. Usually, Guala Pack does not process special categories of personal data (i.e. information revealing the ethnic or racial origin of the Data Subject, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs or trade union membership, as well as genetic data, biometric data aimed at uniquely identifying a person, data regarding health or sexual life and sexual orientation of the person).

Should Guala Pack collect or process special categories of personal data to achieve the purposes indicated below, Guala Pack will always process these data in compliance with the provisions of the law and with the requirements indicated in this data protection policy.

Processing Purpose and legal basis

Personal data is processed by Guala Pack to:

  • respond to requests for information / quotations
  • enter and fulfill the pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations deriving from existing and/or new professional relationships, as well as managing related communications;
  • subscribe to newsletters/mailing lists;
  • send information and commercial communications;
  • manage commercial profiling, statistical analysis and market research;
  • fulfill the obligations established by law, by a regulation, by EU legislation or by an order of an Authority;
  • exercise a legitimate interest as well as any right of the Data Controller (e.g. the right of defense in court, the protection of credit positions, the ordinary internal operational, managerial and accounting requirements).

Failure to provide the abovementioned data will make it impossible to establish a relationship with the Data Controller. The abovementioned purposes represent, in accordance with Article 6, paragraphs b, c, f, appropriate legal bases of lawful processing. Should Guala Pack intend to carry out treatments for different purposes, will request your prior consent.

Processing Methods The processing of personal data is carried out by means of the operations indicated in the Art. 4 n. 2) GDPR and more precisely: collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction of data. Personal data is processed both on paper and electronic and / or automated. The Data Controller will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they were collected and related legal obligations. 

Processing Scope The data are processed by internal personnel regularly instructed and authorized pursuant to Article 29 of the GDPR. It is also possible to request the scope of communication of personal data, obtaining precise indications on any external subjects who act as Manager or external Data Controllers (e.g. consultants, technicians, banks, carriers, etc.). When transferring personal data to third parties, Guala Pack normally agrees in a separate written agreement the rights and obligations of the service provider in accordance with the applicable laws. The data could be subject to intercompany’s sharing. 

Data Transfer Personal data collected may be transferred outside the EU only in compliance with the conditions set out in Chapter V of the GDPR, aimed at ensuring that the level of protection of the data subjects is not affected (Art. 45 Transfer based on an adequacy decision, Art. 46 Transfer subject to adequate guarantees, Art. 47 Binding company rules, Art. 49 Specific derogations). 

Data Controller and Contacts Italy: the Data Controller is Guala Pack S.p.A. – VAT # 01252890064 – Via Carlo Mussa, 266 – 15073 Castellazzo Bormida (AL) – Italy. Romania: the Data Controller is Guala Pack Nadab Srl – CUI 27810947, Loc. Nadab Calea Aradului, n. 14, judetul Arad 315101 – Romania. For any information regarding personal data and privacy, or to exercise the rights listed below, please contact us by email at privacy@gualapack.com 

Personal Data Subjects’ Rights

  • right to access to personal data collected (Art. 15 “Right of Access”);
  • right to rectify/integrate inaccurate or incomplete data (Art. 16 “Right of Correction”);
  • right to erasure, if justifiable, of personal data (Art. 17 “Right to Cancellation”);
  • right to limit the processing (Art. 18 “Right to Limitation”);
  • right to receive in a structured format the personal data (Art. 20 “Right to Data Portability”);
  • right to request the restriction of processing of personal data, including profiling (Art. 21, 22);
  • right to withdraw the consent.
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