
Our committment for sustainability

“We are changing the way we do our business”. Michele Guala, President of Gualapack, explains the company involvement in sustainability and our most recent achievements, including

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Recyclable laminates solutions for cosmetics products

All around the world, consumers are becoming more and more aware of the effects of their daily behavior on the planet. In the cosmetic and personal care markets, “eco-friendly”

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Sustainability report 2019

Our journey towards a sustainable world is continuing and we now proudly present our second Sustainability Report. In line with our company mission we are committed to a

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Gualapack lancia i primi pouch 100% monomateriale e riciclabili

Gualapack, leader globale nel settore delle buste pre-formate con canna, dimostra ogni giorno il forte impegno per la circolarità e la sostenibilità dei packaging flessibili. Oggi

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Gualapack response to covid-19

During this unique period characterized by the COVID 19 pandemic, Gualapack deemed crucial to remain close to its employees, its supply chain and the community.

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Gualapack is able to provide remote assistance and installation service also in emergency period

Even if we are all expecting to overcome this lockdown issue as soon as possible we have implemented a set of new products and service to keep our customers operations’ up and

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First recyclable monomaterial pouches developed by Gualapack launched in Germany

GUALAPACK TEAMS WITH FRUCHTBAR TO OFFER A RECYCLABLE POUCH TO GERMAN CONSUMERS Jufico, a leading German baby-food producer, will be the first to launch its organic brand FruchtBar

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Ready today for your packaging of tomorrow

Gualapack commitment to a better world During the last 5 years Gualapack has put tremendous effort on developing and delivering sustainable solutions to actively contribute to

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Gualapack sustainability report

Sustainability has always been in the DNA of Gualapack. For a family company like ours, the future of organization and long-term vision have always been more important than

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